  1. Terdan Nunnery

From the recording TIBET Land of My Tears

Deborah Schmidt: Native American Flute
Billie Woods: Celtic Harp, Vocals
Jeffrey Glenn Tveraas: Percussion
Duffels in tow, we clambered across a bridge high over a river to reach the nunnery.  By now we were in the “weary travelers” category, and the nunnery’s hot springs were much anticipated. A bit of anxiousness hovered knowing it was possible we could encounter vipers that lived in high altitude springs. Weariness won out and most of our group visited the springs that evening. The group returned with rave reviews of gracious nuns and no snakes. Debbie was too tired so opted to get up early the next morning. 
Debbie’s Story: After very little sleep, I forced myself to find my way to the springs. The water was bliss, and the extra early bird nuns present were welcoming. The water was SO inviting and softened the hard knots of travel. I stayed in way too long. Realizing this, I made it out, rubber legs and all. As I sat in my birthday suit on the cold stone bench feeling light headed but wonderful, one of the nuns insistently helped me get dressed as it was below freezing. It was a compassionate, nurturing, motherly moment, which reminded me we are all one. I felt loved. As I “drunkly” wobbled back to our room on the steep narrow pathway, gorgeous colors from the beautiful Himalayan sunrise accompanied me.